Recent Works


LISTEN (on Sonus)

Remiges (flight feathers) is an 8 channel soundscape composition centered around the haptic wing sounds of birds. It is inspired by a personal experience that took place on a hike in the Antioquia department of Colombia.

︎Winner of the Hildegard Westerkamp Award, JTTP 2023


Vector Synthesis 

In collaboration with Mike Cassidy 

A vector synthesis system built in Max/MSP, and used to create visual music with lasers. We have performed improvised concerts with this system as Augur’s Wand. 



In collaboration with Mike Cassidy

A generative A/V soundscape and performance, exploring ecosystem dynamics as a compositional structure, enacting the fragile balance between nature and technology while suggesting new aesthetics for their hybrid harmonicity.

︎Unity 3D, Max MSP, Ableton Live

︎Presented at Festival de la Imagen in Bogota (2022)

︎Published in Emille, journal of the the Korea Electroacoustic Music Society